Data on COVID-19 screening tests for France ; a shared dashboard with calendar and other heatmaps

Covid-si-dep shiny app with echarts4r calendar heatmap

Link for the app:

This app download daily csv file from french site via its api and build heatmaps updated with last day data available.

  • I have moved from ggplotly to echarts4r package and really nice e_calendar function, see here: or here for full docs
  • shinywidgets with pickerInput lets user choose its departments
  • data are available mouse on hover
  • by tweeking URL like this, you can choose which ?departments or ?regions are available on startup:|93|32|23|75|29

Data availables are:

  • Number of positive tests by day (cases), week and departments and age categories
  • Incidence of positive tests for 100 000 inhabitants

They come from Santé Publique France.

A visualisation is available showing dispersion over age groups by week.

Incidence by age group by week

Code for this app is available here.